Rising of the Setting Sun

Rising of the Setting Sun

Rising of the Setting Sun



The inhabitants of a small Portuguese isle in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean struggle with the vanishing of the natural source of life. Life on the island is characterized by a strong dependency on natural elements. A volcano, the heart of the island, shows the islanders over and over again the indomitable power of nature. And yet there are not only the effects of nature that influence people's existence, but also the deeds of humanity itself. Life on and around the island is decreasing and nothing seems to be enough to stop it. What has to happen that this state of destruction changes? The film tells of
the emotion, that is connected to the destruction of nature. Is there still hope? Or are we locked in paralysis?

Biography and filmography

Julie Hössle, nata e cresciuta a Monaco, ha studiato antropologia culturale e scienze dell'educazione presso il LMU di Monaco. Dopo essere stata una studentessa ospite nel dipartimento Documentario cinematografico e televisivo dell'HFF di Monaco, sta attualmente terminando i suoi studi in Regia presso la ZeLIG School for Documentary. Ha lavorato come assistente alla regia nella realizzazione del documentario Alpgeister ed è la regista dei film Memories of a Friendship, La Ribalta e Rising of the Setting Sun.