Bayandalai - Lord of the Taiga

Bayandalai - Lord of the Taiga

Bayandalai - Lord of the Taiga


Primo premio

For the stylistic beauty, never for its own sake - and for the ability to capture the honesty and essential nature of the story.


From inside his yurt deep within the heart of the Taiga, Bayandalai ‒an elder of the Dukhas tribe‒ muses about the significance of life and death in the largest forest on Earth. He is the last of the great reindeer herders of the Taiga.

Biography and filmography

Aner Etxebarria Moral: Producer, filmmaker and screenwriter, born in 1988 in Bilbao, Spain. He got the graduate in Audiovisual Communication (10) and the postgraduate in Writing and Analyzing Audiovisual Screenplays (11) from the University of Navarre. After his studies, he worked as filmmaker and editor for Spanish TV News in Navarre province and as production member in three editions of Telenatura Wildlife Film Festival. Soon his steps took him to Madrid, where he worked at Vértice 360 as analyst and fiction screenwriter for the recognized Doctor Mateo and Con el Culo al Aire tv series. Back to Navarre, he worked as wildlife filmmaker in the production of short-documentaries for the Mink Life European Conservation Programme, financed by the European Union and Navarre Government. After that, he worked for Zabalketa spanish NGO in Bolivia and Peru, filmmaking and producing several reports about the lifestyle, vulnerabilities and equity of the indigenous communities of the Andes. In 2013 he founded Old Port Films production company in Bilbao, directing several spots for brands like Beretta or Eguren Ugarte Wines and science and engineering shorts and feature documentaries in several countries, like DKIST: The Biggest Solar Telescope In The World. In 2016 he directed the making of for the feature film Gernika, produced by Sony Pictures and directed by Koldo Serra. In his last work he produced, wrote and worked as director´s assistant for the historical documentary film Baskavígin a.k.a. The Slaying Of The Basque Whalers. Selected in San Sebastian International Film Festival, Reykjavik International Film Festival and Richmond International Film festival.

Pablo Vidal Santos: documentary producer and director, he shot documentaries for the ONG Education Without Borders, and for his company Producciones MundoDoc. From 2014 to 2015 he worked as a producer for Pacific, a documentary TV series (10x52), shot in 19 countries in Asia and Oceania.